Twisting red stairs in greenhouse full of tropical plants

If you're like us, caring for and collecting unusual tropical plants for your home is one of the things we get the most satisfaction and energy from. But if you sometimes wonder if it's getting too intense or if you feel like you seem to be losing the fun out of your hobby, it's time to consider the following tips. These are the ways we don't make our hobby a burden:

1. Low-maintenance houseplants

Choosing plants that don't require too much intensive care will also give you more time for other fun activities. Caring for plants should remain a leisure activity. Therefore, always do some preliminary research to see if a particular plant fits into your lifestyle. Strong and easy plants are not always boring. There are also a lot of plants that are different, but at the same time easy to maintain.

2. Care routine

Set yourself an Easter fixed time that you always set aside to give your plants some extra attention. That way, you can monitor your plants better and see better when something needs to be changed in the care of your green family. 

3. Use useful accessories

Accessories such as a display cabinet, fans, self-watering, misting systems and timers can make life much easier for the avid plant hobbyist. Creating a tropical climate can be done quite easily these days for not too much money. By setting up a weather station in your little tropical display case, you'll spend a little less time trying to figure out why your favorite plant hasn't put on a new leaf yet. 

4. To measure is to know

When you finally have a nice variety of accessories and a weather station, it's time to test what your plants find a nice growing environment. By studying the plants for a while and delving into the literature, you will quickly figure out how to make it even easier for yourself. Adjusting the requirements then goes a lot faster and more refined. Which is nice with slow-growing tropical plants such as the beautiful Queen Anthurium, for example.

5. Groups

By placing plants together you immediately ensure that the climate around the plant improves. In addition, the care is a lot faster because you don't have to walk as far. Placing plants close together ensures that the humidity around the plant is boosted. Placing plants with similar needs together is even easier when caring for them.

6. Timing

Use timers to help you improve the climate for your plants. Grow lights that turn on automatically at a certain time or at lower light levels will help your plants grow faster and better. In addition, a misting system can help your plants dry out less quickly. Also very handy on vacation!

7. Less is more

It is always a challenge not to fill your shopping cart with everything that looks nice in a garden center or plant store. Still, you will have to realize that everything you throw in there will need to be taken care of. That's why we recommend not making it too hard on yourself. Funnily enough, this will also free up a bigger budget to buy that special dream plant after all. 

8. Planning

Make sure you have your accessories in order for the next few seasons. If spring is suddenly right around the corner and you don't have pots or potting soil, this can cause you to buy a poorer quality than the plant needed anyway out of frustration. Or you might even put it off too long! This, of course, is a shame. After all, it gives so much peace of mind when you have your supplies nice and ready in the pantry or garage. Check your stock of accessories once a month to make sure you still have everything you need.

9. Quality over quantity

The quality of potting soil is always very important. Especially with sensitive plants. So use high-quality potting soil and fertilizers to ensure that your plants get the right care. Using the right nutrition and substrate will also mean less effort from you. 

10. Enjoy

Don't forget to appreciate your hobby. Dwell on the developments of your tropical friends and don't be too perfectionist. Also, focus on everything that is going well and don't worry too much. Plants are supposed to provide relaxation and rest. That's why you started this hobby, right? Enjoy.
