De moeilijkste orchideeën om in bloei te krijgen: Hoe het jou wel lukt!

The hardest orchids to get into bloom: How you can succeed!

When finally that beautiful bud opens and a beautiful, vibrant color and flower shape emerges, that's where we get the most satisfaction as hobbyis...
Paphiopedilum yellow

Why orchids get yellow leaves and the solution to it

Orchids are one of the most popular houseplants due to their aesthetic properties. Yet sometimes these beauties cause concerns, especially when an ...
Winterbloeier in huis: Tijd om een Cymbidium aan te schaffen

Winter bloomer in the home: time to purchase a Cymbidium

It's autumn again. In October the leaves fall and a beautiful play of colors begins with red and yellow shades of leaves on deciduous trees. Flower...
Groeilampen voor de kortere dagen

Grow lights for the shorter days

Toward the end of the year, the days get shorter again. Most tropical houseplants are not so used to that. The further from the equator, the shorte...
Twisting red stairs in greenhouse full of tropical plants

10 tips to keep your plant addiction fun

If you're like us, caring for and collecting unusual tropical plants for your home is one of the things we get the most satisfaction and energy fro...
Herinnering: Bouw plantenvoeding af in de herfst en winter!

Reminder: Build off plant nutrition in the fall and winter!

Fall has begun and that means the time has come to phase out houseplant nutrition. Days are getting shorter and plants are slowly entering dormancy...
Hoe voorkom ik dat mijn kamerplanten te groot worden?

How do I keep my houseplants from getting too big?

Especially during the growing season, houseplants often get bigger quickly. Many Philodendrons and Monsteras grow incredibly fast during the growin...
Kamerplanten in foto's om huis beter te verkopen

Houseplants in photos to sell house better

That it is more difficult to buy a house in these times is undeniable. So people who already own a house and plan to move benefit from presenting t...
Hoe filter ik regenwater voor de moeilijkste orchideeënsoorten?

How do I filter rainwater for the most difficult orchid species?

Rainwater is one of the cleanest compositions of water for houseplants. It is cleaner than tap water, and because tropical plants are often sensiti...
Hoe kom ik van paddenstoelen in mijn potgrond af?

How do I get rid of mushrooms in my potting soil?

Mushrooms in the potting soil usually only occur under certain conditions. We are happy to explain the steps you can take to quickly get rid of mus...
Madagaskar (Afrika) als vakantiebestemming voor de orchideeënliefhebber

Madagascar (Africa) as a vacation destination for orchid lovers

Madagascar is known for its extremely wide biodiversity. For example, Madagascar has a number of unique orchids, some of which are found only there...
Banos Waterfall Equador with beautiful steps and plants, rainforest

4 Countries to travel to in South America for the orchid lover

Last week we named 3 Asian countries where you, as an orchid lover, must have been once. This week we extend this with 4 countries in South America...