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Check out one of the most beautiful and rare orchids with their special flowers. For a long time, this Japanese orchid was available only in Asia or for the super-rich and nobility, but now it is a relatively inexpensive houseplant become. Today, the Neofinetia officially falls under the genus Vanda.

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The Neofinetia is a typical Japanese orchid, which nowadays officially falls under the genus 'Vanda'. The Neofinetia is named after the French botanist Achille Eugène Finet.
In Japan, the Neofinetia is not only adorned for the flowers, but also for the leaves of the plant. They think you should enjoy the beauty of this orchid all year round and that that is the key to successful growth and care.
Neofinetias are generally summer flowering and many are fragrant orchids. That is why these orchids are strongly sought after with lovers of special and rare orchids.
The History of the Japanese Neofinetia Orchid
Already in the 15th century this beautiful orchid in Japan was kept as a flowering houseplant. Another name for this rare orchid is Samurai Orchid, but other names are also Windorchidee or Furan/Fūkiran.
Fūkiran Orchideeën used to be held by the nobility and rich Japanese. In Japanese this means'the orchid of rich and noble people '. These plants were admired in a traditional way by, for example, keeping Kaishi (a thin paper) in front of the mouth, so that it was not possible to seal on the plant.
In the past, the price of this special orchid in Japan was the same as a house with a large garden, but nowadays with globalization the price has fallen a lot. As a result, orchid lovers with a smaller wallet can also enjoy this beautiful miracle.
From 1920 Japanese associations were set up in honor of the Neofinetia. Events and exhibitions were held in Osaka for these beautiful orchids.
Many plants were killed in war, but the perseverance of the old members of the associations have also been saved.