Variegata plants
206 products
Showing 1 - 24 of 206 products
The most rare and special mutations may be in the tropical houseplants, which have started to express this in variegata. View variegated plants here for both novice plant lovers with easy care, as well as variegata plants for the advanced plant lover. Regularly our assortment extremely rare variegata plants further added to.

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Varegata is a striking feature of certain tropical
plants. This may have been created by a mutation in the DNA. That mutation then ensures
For a change in the leafy green granules in the plant, so that some plants
In certain places lighter colors have in the leaf. Leafy green granules
ensure the photosynthesis of a plant and also part for the
firmness of the plant cell. Plants with varieta are therefore often less efficient
In converting solar energy into food for the plant itself. That makes the
So plant somewhat more vulnerable than the green version in different ways.
Why do people would like to plant a Variegata?
Varegata plants may not always be it
easiest to take care of, but often the leaves contain breathtaking
Patterns and shapes. Because the colors in the leaf are almost always unique in one
Variegataplant, the plant is often decorative of high value for the owner.
Moreover, it is also exciting to wait and see what the patterns will be
In the next magazine that folds open.
For example, some well -known plants with varegata are the
Monstera Deliciosa Variegata, Monstera Thai Constellation, but that's how there are
A lot of Philodendrons and, for example, Epipremnums with Varegata. Some
Variegata plants have only just been discovered, making them extra expensive.