


50 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 50 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 50 products
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsisBulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Bulbophyllum polliculosumBulbophyllum polliculosum
Bulbophyllum polliculosum
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Bulbophyllum medusaeBulbophyllum medusae
Bulbophyllum medusae
Sale priceFrom €49,95
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Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"
Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Bulbophyllum bolsteri
Bulbophyllum bolsteri
Sale price€29,95
Bulbophyllum (Mastigion) fascinatorBulbophyllum (Mastigion) fascinator
Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris
Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris
Sale priceFrom €24,95
Bulbophyllum frostiiBulbophyllum frostii
Bulbophyllum frostii
Sale price€21,95
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Bulbophyllum gracillimumBulbophyllum gracillimum
Bulbophyllum gracillimum
Sale priceFrom €32,95
Bulbophyllum moniliformeBulbophyllum moniliforme
Bulbophyllum moniliforme
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Bulbophyllum reticulatumBulbophyllum reticulatum
Bulbophyllum reticulatum
Sale priceFrom €159,95
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Bulbophyllum barbigerumBulbophyllum barbigerum
Bulbophyllum barbigerum
Sale priceFrom €21,95
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Bulbophyllum lemniscatoides
Bulbophyllum lemniscatoides
Sale priceFrom €21,95
Bulbophyllum farreri "Orange/Yellow"
Bulbophyllum farreri "Orange/Yellow"
Sale priceFrom €23,95
Bulbophyllum cruentum x phalaenopsisBulbophyllum cruentum x phalaenopsis
Bulbophyllum cruentum x phalaenopsis
Sale priceFrom €69,95
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Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis (Big Plant)Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis (Big Plant)
Bulbophyllum khaoyaienseBulbophyllum khaoyaiense
Bulbophyllum khaoyaiense
Sale priceFrom €26,95
Bulbophyllum mastersianumBulbophyllum mastersianum
Bulbophyllum mastersianum
Sale priceFrom €29,95
Bulbophyllum hirundinisBulbophyllum hirundinis
Bulbophyllum hirundinis
Sale price€23,95
Bulbophyllum lindleyanumBulbophyllum lindleyanum
Bulbophyllum lindleyanum
Sale priceFrom €21,95
Bulbophyllum Elisabeth Ann Buckelberry (Small)Bulbophyllum Elisabeth Ann Buckelberry (Small)
Bulbophyllum taiwanenseBulbophyllum taiwanense
Bulbophyllum taiwanense
Sale price€19,95
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Recent bekeken

Unique characteristics

The Bulbophyllum is an orchid with very special and unique
flowers. We have a range of the most sought after, popular and rare
Bulbophyllums in the world! The Bulbophyllum is a dream of the
Orchid collector and enthusiast. The Bulbophyllum (Bulbus is Latin for
Knol) is the third largest orchid genus in the world. Currently has
The gender more than 1800 discovered species. Moreover, the growth and
inflorescence of these epiphytic orchids enormously variable. You can species
Find about all tropical areas in the world. There are Bulbophyllums in it
including South America, Africa (including Madagascar), Asia and Australia in
find. But the epicenter of this gender is Malesia, where that
New Guinea (and then Borneo) houses most species.

Versatility and new species

Our range is regularly with this special one
Orchid supplemented with new Bulbophyllum hybrids and species. A lot of
Bulbophyllums have separate colors, shapes, textures and often even a unique
scent. Bulbophyllums' pseudobules are also very variable in shape
And growth method. These can grow scattered or together in groups. Generally
there are 1 or 2 leaves from a pseudobulb. The leaves can also be in thickness
Very differ. The flower stem almost always grows from the basis of one
pseudobulb. The flowers are often very mobile because of the way the
flip lip is connected to the rest of the flower. Many types of bulbophyllums draw
Bait flies with the scent that produce the flowers.

Wide choice and rarity

The Bulbophyllum is for every lover of house plants
Orchid an asset to the interior. Many Bulbophyllums are also doing well
In a terrarium or paludarium. Many of the Bulbophyllums that we are in us
have an assortment, have been imported by us and selected personally at the
Most professional growers around the world. With our large network
we get the most rare to orchids. Some species that have been
recurring on our shop include the Bulbophyllum
Phalaenopsis, Bulbophyllum Medusae, Bulbophyllum reticulatum and the Bulbophyllum
(Mastigion) Fascinator. All of these are not only popular, but also
particularly interesting orchids due to the unique growth method and flower shapes and
-to colour.

Assortment and application

Many of the varieties and crosses of the Bulbophyllum in
Our range is on the rise and are supplemented, but they all have one
Breathtaking color and structure. On the product page of the Bulbophyllum
also indicated whether the orchid is currently Blooming is supplied. The
Bulbophyllum is a worthy gift to an orchid and nature lover. Like this
we offer from miniature orchids to beautiful, large orchids of this genus.

Care and skill

Bulbophyllums come from very diverse habitats all over the whole
world. This is not only the reason that the plants are so different from
each other, but it is also a reason that the orchids can differ in
care. Some species are relatively easy and even suitable for one
beginner (such as the Bulbophyllum Phalaenopsis), but other species are correct
More for the advanced hobbyist and need an adapted climate. This takes care of
ensure that these orchids can grow in the development in knowledge
And the skills of the hobbyist. A gender that grows with the
Skills and the available materials of the hobby grower. This ensures
That this gender often arouses lifelong interest among collectors. Look at the
pages of the species in the description to find out which types
be suitable for your way of taking care of!

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