
Makkelijke orchideeën

Easy Orchids

538 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 538 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 538 products
Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight "Geyserland"Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight "Geyserland"
Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight "Geyserland"
Sale priceFrom €59,95
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Cymbidium Mary Green "Spring Wind"Cymbidium Mary Green "Spring Wind"
Cymbidium Mary Green "Spring Wind"
Sale priceFrom €32,95
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Cymbidium Cali Night "Geyserland"Cymbidium Cali Night "Geyserland"
Cymbidium Cali Night "Geyserland"
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Phalaenopsis bellina
Phalaenopsis bellina
Sale priceFrom €43,95
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Phalaenopsis philippinensisPhalaenopsis philippinensis
Phalaenopsis philippinensis
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Cymbidium Vogel's Magic "Medium"Cymbidium Vogel's Magic "Medium"
Cymbidium Vogel's Magic "Medium"
Sale priceFrom €26,95
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Dendrobium bigibbum var. compactumDendrobium bigibbum var. compactum
Dendrobium bigibbum var. compactum
Sale priceFrom €21,95
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Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Cattleya dowiana
Cattleya dowiana
Sale price€34,95
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Bulbophyllum phalaenopsisBulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Dendrobium farmeri "Pink"Dendrobium farmeri "Pink"
Dendrobium farmeri "Pink"
Sale priceFrom €27,95
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Paphiopedilum purpuratumPaphiopedilum purpuratum
Paphiopedilum purpuratum
Sale priceFrom €29,95
Dendrobium canaliculatumDendrobium canaliculatum
Dendrobium canaliculatum
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Phalaenopsis bellina var. coeruleaPhalaenopsis bellina var. coerulea
Phalaenopsis bellina var. coerulea
Sale priceFrom €39,95
Paphiopedilum sanderianumPaphiopedilum sanderianum
Paphiopedilum sanderianum
Sale price€99,95
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Cattleya percivalianaCattleya percivaliana
Cattleya percivaliana
Sale price€23,95
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Dendrobium unicumDendrobium unicum
Dendrobium unicum
Sale price€21,95
Dendrobium densiflorum
Dendrobium densiflorum
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Caulocattleya Chantilly Lace Twinkel
Caulocattleya Chantilly Lace Twinkel
Sale priceFrom €27,95
Paphiopedilum Pinocchio 4NPaphiopedilum Pinocchio 4N
Paphiopedilum Pinocchio 4N
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Cymbidium Ruby Sarah "Gemstone"
Cymbidium Ruby Sarah "Gemstone"
Sale priceFrom €36,95
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Dendrobium hekouense (presale march 2025)Dendrobium hekouense (presale march 2025)
Phalaenopsis stobartianaPhalaenopsis stobartiana
Phalaenopsis stobartiana
Sale priceFrom €32,95
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Recent bekeken

For everyone who wants to dress their interior with special thriving house plants, we have carefully selected this orchids that can easily be cared for. This collection is for everyone who wants to enjoy the beauty and elegance of orchids without too much trouble. Our easy orchids are ideal for anyone with a busy lifestyle, because they require little effort for care.

Easy species

Species that are easy in the care and being able to stand in the living room are not only very sought after by starting orchid lovers, but also among experienced growers and hobbyists. Certainly with a busy lifestyle or if there is room for more plants, but there is no more time to care for them, it can be nice to purchase them instead of more difficult species. Many Phalaenopsis species and paphiopedilums in particular are very popular with people who start or are looking for easy orchids.

Some examples

Orchids who are permanently wanted by their ability to easily adjust include the Oncidium Sharry Baby, Paphiopedilum Insigne and the Phalaenopsis amabilis. The phalaenopsis amabilis is very popular due to the neutral, white flower. Moreover, this white butterfly orchid blooms long, looks good in every interior and the amabilis is easy to care for.


Types that are on this page are easy to care for and can be relatively easy with any small adjustments in the living room. Do you want customized advice? Then check the product page for more details or mail us for detailed tips for the care of the plant you have or would like to have.

Order Easy Orchids Safe Online

Enchant your living space with the timeless beauty of this special and rare orchids, which are maintenance -friendly. Order today on our webshop to make your flower fantasy reality!

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