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Check out the most beautiful and rare species of Phragmipedium. The Phragmipedium is a orchid genus with many unusual flowers. Among enthusiasts, this orchid is very popular due to the special flowers and the beautiful, vibrant colors the flowers often have.

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Origin of the name Phragmipedium
The name of this genus stems from the ancient Greek words "Phragma" (separation), which refer to the three -hurked fruit principle of the and "Pedium" (shoe), which refers to striking, shoe -like shape of the lip.
They have one up to 80 cm long, upright stem with lancet -shaped leaves and two to three striking flowers. The sepals are bent down and grown together. The petals are stretched for a very long time in some species. The lip is inflated into a pouch -shaped structure, the edges are folded inwards. The gynostemium has two fertile stamens and a large shield -shaped staminodium. Furthermore, the fruit principle is triangular.
Special colors and shapes flowers
If we talk about a diverse orchid species with many separate colors, shapes and a special appearance, then the Phagmipedium can certainly be named. This orchid has a pouch -shaped lip, but the petals can have very special elongated shapes with some species. The color palette is very extensive of this orchid. There are not only white, pink and yellow flowers, but also bright red and combined colors.
Some versions look a bit like the paphiopedilum in appearance. You can certainly remind the lip of the flower. This also forms a pit and looks like a ladies' shoe. Yet the Phragmipedium prefers to be in a medium to warm space, where the paphiopedilum is a bit easier in the care. The Phragmipedium therefore requires just a little more attention in the care and slightly higher humidity. Yet this beautiful plant is worth it.
Where can you buy a Phragmipedium?
Phragmipediums are usually more difficult to obtain in the average plant shop. Fortunately, we often have this orchid family in stock, so that you can easily and safely order a Phragmipedium in our wide range. Information about care, planting stage, size and availability are indicated on the product page, among other things. We have years of experience in sending this plant and have been actively growing this fun orchid species since 2005. We are happy to share the passion for these special orchids with you!