Is een Hoya (wasbloem) makkelijk om te verzorgen?

Hoya is a genus of houseplants. They are known for the unusual clusters of flowers they can get. Many species of Hoyas have a pleasant fragrance when in bloom. They grow particularly wild in Asia. These plants are relatively easy to care for and can tolerate some neglect.

How do Hoya plants look like?

Hoyas often grow as epiphytes on trees, but a few also grow terrestrially or on rocky areas. They climb with entanglement of their trunks and grab themselves up that way. In the wild, they can grow very large that way with the help of trees. When the plants bloom, it happens in cluster form. The flowers have 5 thick, waxy petals and often a colored center with usually also a star shape. Most flowers are white or pink, but there are also dark purple and other colors.

Can you pollinate the flowers of a Hoya?

Very little is known about how to pollinate a wax flower. Often pollination is caused by ants, flies and moths.

Seeds of the plant are then dispersed by the wind. In fact, there is a small lint on them. Moreover, the seeds germinate very easily. Unfortunately, the seeds do spoil very quickly.

Do Hoyas engage in symbiosis?

Besides being epiphytes, some species such as Hoya carnosa provide shelter for ants. They like to sit between folded leaves and find a sheltered spot there. That way, the Hoya has a good chance of being pollinated by these animals. In addition, they like to grow by means of grasping tendrils and adhesive roots against trees, which are not bothered by this.

What temperatures can Hoyas tolerate?

A Hoya generally does not like wet feet. Water should be at room temperature when watering. When doing so, allow the top layer of soil to dry out thoroughly first. In winter, they do not need much water. Then give them just enough water so that they do not dry out completely. They can withstand a little drier soil. On the other hand, they often hate too dry air.

Hoyas can withstand temperatures of 13 to 14 degrees in the dormant period, but prefer a temperature of 16 degrees. In summer, they like temperatures up to 30 degrees. Above 25 degrees, humidity and moisture in the pot must be monitored closely.

Where can I put a Hoya?

A Hoya can be placed near a window, as long as it does not receive too much direct sunlight. Especially with variegated plants and Hoyas with light leaves, watch out for burns caused by too much light. If the Hoya is exposed to a lot of light, the plant may develop red/pink leaves. This is called sun stressing. Sun stressing a Hoya is not harmful to the plant, but may even stimulate flowering.

What nutrients does a Hoya need?

The Hoya needs once a month nutrition for houseplants needed during the growing season. For this you can, for example liquid fertilizers use. Nutrition also helps stimulate flowering.

Still, these particular houseplants don't need much. It is better to give the plant too little than too much nutrient.

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