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Take a look among these cool Syngoniums. The arrowhead plant is a popular tropical houseplant with a lot of different types of leaf colors and textures. In addition, we regularly offer new rare Syngoniums with distinct variegata colors to!

Recent bekeken
The syngonium is a popular tropical houseplant, which is usually fairly easy to take care of for beginners. Please note that the living room temperature does not drop below 15 degrees in the winter. In the summer this species can even stand around 30 degrees Celsius against temperatures.
Climbing plant and location
These plants like high humidity and a lot of indirect sunlight, but can also be a little further from the window. In nature these climbing plants sometimes grow up to 20 meters high against a tree. But in the house it is less likely that this plant will climb high. If you do not let the syngonium climb or strengthen with sticks, the plant will eventually hang. That is why the syngonium is also a popular hanging plant for the home.
Forms and colors of the syngonium
Many syngoniums have a typical arrow -shaped leaf. That is why this species is sometimes called "arrowhead" or arrowhead plant. Another funny nickname of the plant is goose foot. The leaves of the syngonium are very diverse in color and shape. There are syngoniums with a soft leaf, but also with a smooth texture. In addition, there are many colorful Variegata plants with colorful patterns of this plant genus.
The syngonium does not like wet feet too long, but the ground should not dry out completely for a pouring. Therefore, give dosed water as soon as the top layer of the potting soil is dry and the soil at the bottom is still slightly moist. Do not leave the syngonium in a soil that is too moist, because this gives the plant root rot. These plants like rainwater. Tap water has a wrong mineral composition for many tropical plants, which can cause poor growth or even damage.
The ideal humidity of this plant is around 75-90%. The higher the humidity, the more important a good air movement is against the development of (harmful) fungi and bacteria. Sygoniums can also survive well with a humidity from 60%, but then growth will be less fast and yet you will notice that the plant will do a lot better with a higher humidity. Even at high summer temperatures of above 30 degrees Celsius, high humidity in combination with many spraying is important to not get the plant damage due to heat.
Although many species can survive at a room temperature between 17 and 21 degrees, they are more active and grow better at temperatures around 23 to 25 degrees Celsius. At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, we recommend the use of a good humidifier or nebulizer in combination with a fan. Too extreme heat can cause the plant to dry out. Under 15 degrees or with several times the plant, the plant can get cold damage.
Many syngoniums benefit from a lot of indirect light. Species with a somewhat darker green leaf can survive in a darker spot in the room, but the plant will grow nicer with fiercer and longer indirect sunlight. Watch out with direct sunlight, because these plants don't like this.
Air purifying
The syngonium is also an air -purifying houseplant. Plants of this gender can ensure a better interior climate.