


328 products

Show 193 - 216 from 328 products

Show 193 - 216 from 328 products
Philodendron Black Cardinal "Marble" (Nr 1)Philodendron Black Cardinal "Marble" (Nr 1)
Philodendron Whipple WayPhilodendron Whipple Way
Philodendron Whipple Way
Special price€289,95
Philodendron billietiae variegata "Almost Full Moon"Philodendron billietiae Variegata "Almost Full Moon" (nr 2)
Philodendron billietiae variegata nr 1Philodendron billietiae Variegata  (nr 1)
Philodendron goeldii Variegata (nr 1)
Philodendron goeldii Variegata (nr 1)
Special price€679,95
Philodendron spiritus sancti (Big Plant) Leaves 35/40 cm (Nr. 1)
Monstera Full Mint deliciosa borsigiana Variegata (nr 2)
Philodendron atabapoense variegata alboPhilodendron atabapoense variegata albo
Philodendron pinnatilobum aff nr 1Philodendron pinnatilobum aff nr 1
Philodendron pinnatilobum aff nr 1
Special price€299,95
Philodendron Caramel Marble (Medium Plant)Philodendron Caramel Marble (Medium Plant)
Philodendron Caramel Marble (Small Plant)Philodendron Caramel Marble (Small Plant)
Xanthosoman lindenii variegata
Xanthosoman lindenii variegata
Special price€499,95
Scindapsus hederaceus 'Blue Aurea'
Scindapsus hederaceus 'Blue Aurea'
Special price€494,95
Rhaphidophora sp. "Spider''Rhaphidophora sp. "Spider''
Rhaphidophora sp. "Spider''
Special price€29,95
Rhaphidophora sp. "Spider'' Big Plant XXLRhaphidophora sp. "Spider'' Big Plant XXL
Scindapsus treubii “Nearly Black"Scindapsus treubii “Nearly Black"
Scindapsus treubii “Nearly Black"
Special price€29,95
Scindapsus treubii ''Moonlight''
Scindapsus treubii ''Moonlight''
Special price€19,95
Spathiphyllum Wallisii VariegataSpathiphyllum Wallisii Variegata
Spathiphyllum Wallisii Variegata
Special price€59,95
Cercestis mirabilis (Big Plant)Cercestis mirabilis (Big Plant)
Cercestis mirabilis (Big Plant)
Special price€99,95
Zamioculcas ''Black Raven'' smallZamioculcas ''Black Raven'' small
Zamioculcas ''Black Raven'' small
Special price€32,95
Rhaphidophora celatocaulis "Silver Dragon"
Philodendron joepii Variegated (Fresh Head Cutting)
Philodendron White Princess ''Head Cutting"Philodendron White Princess ''Head Cutting"

Recent bekeken

Araceae family: a fascinating dive in plant diversity

Explore the rich diversity of the Araceae family, of which Anthurium is a striking member that you may have met before. This family includes a wide range of unique plants, ranging from leaf to inflorescence plants. With 114 genera and around 3,500 species, the Araceae family presents an abundance of intriguing flora, thoroughly in tropical and northern moderate climate areas.

Characteristics of the Araceae family: inflorescence and fragrant attraction

  1. Inflorescence and spadix: The Araceae family is known for its unique inflorescences, with the Spadix as characteristic structure. These flowers often have a single leafy, strikingly colored or white bract that attracts attention.
  2. Popular houseplants: Within this diverse family we find well -known house plants such as Philodendron, Dieffenbachia and Alocasia, in addition to the previously discussed Anthurium.
  3. Insects: Many flowers within the Araceae family produce scents that attract bait insects. These insects play a crucial role in fertilization by transporting pollen from plant to plant. The odor capacity of insects, superior to that of people, makes this process efficient.

Fascinating insights into the Araceae family: a world of odor and splendor

  1. Large -scale diversity: With thousands of species spread over tropical and northern climates, the Araceae family offers a wealth of flora that fascinates both botanists and plant lovers.
  2. Roll of odor in plant world: The fragrant strategy of flowers within this family reveals a smart mechanism to attract pollinators, with the smell of insects a key role.
  3. Human odor perception: Although we humans do not always experience the subtle scents of these flowers, it is noted that some species smell stronger than others, which adds an interesting dynamic to the interaction between plants and their environment.

Discover the intriguing world of the Araceae family, where Anthurium is only one of the many fascinating representatives. With their various inflorescences and fragrant attraction, these plants not only offer visual pleasure but also reveal a subtle interplay between flora and fauna in the natural world.

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