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The Laelia is a special one orchids With a number of species known for the Nice scented flowers (subjective). Moreover, have many flowers Separate color combinations and many types are quite rare. Check this page for this breathtaking orchids! Orchids with a similar flower are, for example, the Cattleya, Brassavola and the Sophronitis.

Recent bekeken
De Laelia is a small orchid genus that includes approximately 25 species. The Laelia has various colors of flowers from purple, to white to pink, yellow and red. In the past, Laelias also thrown under the name Sophronitis.
From the Laelia there are various types of flowers with separate shapes. Yet they are basically resembling each other with the shape, but the sepals can be curled, for example. This ensures that some species (such as the Laelia Undulata) have a very unique appearance.
Scented flowers
Some types of Laelia are known for their special scent, such as the Laelia Pumila or the Laelia Speciosa or the Laelia Purpurata.
Originally, Laelia's mainly come from Mexico, but there are also found spread over Central and South America.
The most famous species that we regularly have in our range include the Laelia Rubescens, Laelia Sincorana, Laelia Lobata, Laelia Pumila, Laelia Jongheana, Laelia Purpurata and Laelia Anceps. Many of these species have a pink or white with pink flower and can give off a pleasant scent.
Easy care
Most Laelias are very similar to the Cattleya in terms of care. They need a lot of indirect sunlight and they don't like a humidity below 55%. They are relatively easy in the care and therefore suitable orchids for the starting orchid hobbyist. Also for experienced hobbyists there are a number of special species that need some extra attention, so that the people looking for a botanical challenge are not disappointed by this gender. Check the product page what the care requirements are per species. This way you know which care is optimal for a specific Laelia. Is it not (yet) on the page? Then you can also ask our customer service what the best care is for the species.
Where can you buy a Laelia?
Nowadays you can easily order Laelias online from experienced growers, like us. By years of experience in sending orchids, orchids can be sent around almost all year round. This ensures that you know for sure that your orchid can be ordered and sent in a safe way. It is therefore easier than ever to obtain unique species without worries.