
Valentijn 2024 Philodendron

Valentine 2024 Philodendron

182 products

Showing 145 - 168 of 182 products

This year there is another very nice action waiting for everyone who places an order between February 1, 2024 and February 14, 2024. With the use of the discount code VAL2024 you get 14% discount on all Philodendrons in your order (excluding all Florida Beauty). Celebrate love and use it for your partner, friend, family or yourself.

Did you know that Philodendron means love tree? That makes this plant the ultimate symbol of the growth of your relationship!

Showing 145 - 168 of 182 products
Philodendron White Princess "4-5 leaves"Philodendron White Princess "4-5 leaves"
Philodendron tortum (Baby)Philodendron tortum (Baby)
Philodendron tortum (Baby)
Sale price€19,95
Philodendron white princess "Almost Full Moon"Philodendron white princess "Almost Full Moon"
Philodendron Prince Of Orange VariegataPhilodendron Prince Of Orange Variegata
Philodendron White Wizard "less variegated"Philodendron White Wizard "less variegated"
Philodendron warscewiczii (Small plant)Philodendron warscewiczii (Small plant)
Philodendron Prince of OrangePhilodendron Prince of Orange
Philodendron Prince of Orange
Sale price€32,95
Philodendron verrucosum "XXL Big Plant"Philodendron verrucosum "XXL Big Plant"
Philodendron warscewiczii Aurea FlavumPhilodendron warscewiczii Aurea Flavum
Philodendron atabapoense variegata alboPhilodendron atabapoense variegata albo
Philodendron micans Variegata Aurea
Philodendron micans pink variegated (2 Leaf Cutting)Philodendron micans pink variegated (2 Leaf Cutting)
Philodendron ilsemanii Less Variegata (3 Leaves)Philodendron ilsemanii Less Variegata (3 Leaves)
Philodendron Bob Cee VariegatedPhilodendron Bob Cee variegated close-up
Philodendron ilsemanii (3 Leaves)Philodendron ilsemanii (3 Leaves)
Philodendron ilsemanii (3 Leaves)
Sale price€527,95
Philodendron fibraecataphyllum (Leaf cutting)Philodendron fibraecataphyllum (Leaf cutting)
Philodendron Gigas small plant (5/6 Leaves)
Philodendron melanochrysum "3/4 leaves"Philodendron melanochrysum "3/4 leaves"
Philodendron Gigas big
Philodendron Gigas big
Sale price€29,95
Philodendron mamei (Selection 2) "Dark Silver Leaf"Philodendron mamei (Selection 2) "Dark Silver Leaf"
Philodendron elegans Baby
Philodendron elegans Baby
Sale price€49,95
Philodendron mayoi (Small Plant)Philodendron mayoi (Small Plant)
Philodendron bipennifolium aurea "Golden Violin"Philodendron bipennifolium aurea "Golden Violin"

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