
Zwarte orchidee

Black orchid

20 products

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 products
Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight "Geyserland"Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight "Geyserland"
Cymbidium Kiwi Midnight "Geyserland"
Sale priceFrom €59,95
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Catasetum tenebrosumCatasetum tenebrosum
Catasetum tenebrosum
Sale priceFrom €42,95
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Bulbophyllum medusaeBulbophyllum medusae
Bulbophyllum medusae
Sale priceFrom €49,95
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Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"
Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Dracula vampira (aaporchidee)
Dracula vampira (aaporchidee)
Sale priceFrom €43,95
Paphiopedilum leucochilum (''Black'' x Dark 1#) SmallPaphiopedilum leucochilum (''Black'' x Dark 1#) Small
Coelogyne pandurataCoelogyne pandurata
Coelogyne pandurata
Sale priceFrom €69,95
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Catasetum tenebrosum (Big Plant)Catasetum tenebrosum (Big Plant)
Catasetum tenebrosum (Big Plant)
Sale priceFrom €89,95
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Paphiopedilum leucochilum ''Dark''Paphiopedilum leucochilum ''Dark''
Paphiopedilum leucochilum ''Dark''
Sale priceFrom €46,95
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Paphiopedilum leucochilum "White 4N"Paphiopedilum leucochilum "White 4N"
Paphiopedilum leucochilum "White 4N"
Sale priceFrom €46,95
Paphiopedilum Black Jack
Paphiopedilum Black Jack
Sale price€21,95
Paphiopedilum St.Swithin x adductum ''Dark''Paphiopedilum St.Swithin x adductum ''Dark''
Masdevallia setacea ''special dark, unique selection''Masdevallia setacea ''special dark, unique selection''
Phalaenopsis mannii "Black"
Phalaenopsis mannii "Black"
Sale price€25,95
Maxillaria schunkeana "Big"Maxillaria schunkeana "Big"
Maxillaria schunkeana "Big"
Sale price€29,95

Recent bekeken

The black orchid is an orchid that is gaining more and more popularity. More and more orchid lovers are looking for these black pearls to expand their collection. They are not only a feast for the eyes, but also very unique!

How is it possible that some orchids are not completely black?

The color of the flower can, among other things, be influenced by the location and the climate. For example, a flower of a black orchid can also color dark red or dark purple.

But very rare or dark purple flowers are also very rare. This is very scarce in nature.

What types of orchids are the most black?

The most black orchids include the Fredclarkeara after Dark "SVO Black Pearl" and the Dracula Vampira. With a lot of indirect daylight, these also look like very dark or even black.

Where can I find the best black orchids?

At Claessen Orchids and Plants we have a unique and diverse range of different unique and rare orchids and house plants. Through years of experience and a large network, we, but also you, are guaranteed of the best quality to special black orchids. So take a look between our unique range of extremely rare and popular black orchids.

I have heard that black orchids are being dyed or manipulated. Is this correct?

The orchids that we offer are of reliable growers and are not manipulated or painted. These orchids have really black flowers that always come back to the new bloom. So you don't have to worry that they could be "fake". Since 2005 we have only been looking for the most high-quality orchids within our extensive growers' network.

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