Hoe kom ik van paddenstoelen in mijn potgrond af?

Mushrooms in the potting soil usually only occur under certain conditions. We are happy to explain the steps you can take to quickly get rid of mushrooms in your houseplant's potting soil.

1. Remove the mushrooms

Pick the mushrooms out of the pot immediately after observing them in the potting soil. Remove as much of the mushroom as possible, including the roots (mycelium). This will prevent the mushroom from coming back.

2. Aerate potting soil

Mushrooms mainly develop in places where the soil is moist and poorly ventilated. By ensuring that the potting soil is a bit more aerated and can dry out better between waterings, you can ensure that the soil can continue to "breathe" better.

3. Way of watering

Watering plants too much or too often can cause stimulation of growth for mushrooms. So make sure that plants are not watered until the top layer of the potting soil feels dry. With some plants, it is even important that the potting soil also feels dry or only slightly moist at the bottom of the pot before the plant is watered again.

4. Remove organic material

Mushrooms like organic material to feed on. Plant residues such as dead leaves and other plant waste can stimulate the growth of fungi (and therefore mushrooms). Therefore, it is important to remove these residues in a timely manner.

5. Sterilize soil

In some cases, the return of mushrooms can be persistent. At that point, you might consider sterilizing the potting soil. You do this by heating the new potting soil at 82 degrees for 30 minutes in the oven. Of course, when you are going to use the potting soil, it must have cooled down again beforehand. 

6. Using fungicides

Is the return of fungi and mushrooms still an issue? Then using fungicides may be a solution. Use one that is suitable for houseplants and follow the instructions carefully.

7. Ventilate

By ensuring better air movement around the plant, you can prevent mushrooms from having a chance to develop. In addition, good ventilation around the plant allows for better growth, prevention of rot and fungi and bacteria. On the other hand, water can evaporate faster, so it may be advisable to mist regularly or install a humidifier. 

8. A better potting soil mix

It is not always possible to make potting soil airier by shaking it loose. If the potting soil remains very wet and compact every time, it may be time to consider a better draining mix for your beloved houseplant. Using coarser mixes with perlite and coir can help create a more airy substrate. This can prevent the formation of mold and fungus. 

9. Better fertilization

Some types of fertilizer can cause faster formation of fungi in the potting soil. So you can try switching to a different (preferably high-quality) plant food. It is also important to use clean water, such as rainwater.

If you follow these steps, you can make the conditions in the potting soil less attractive for the formation of fungi and mushrooms. From our years of experience with various easy to difficult tropical plants, these are the best ways to prevent these gnome houses in the potting soil.
