Hoe voorkom ik dat mijn kamerplanten te groot worden?

Especially during the growing season, houseplants often get bigger quickly. Many Philodendrons and Monsteras grow incredibly fast during the growing season. It would be a shame if the plant outgrows its space or becomes too lanky, thus losing its aesthetic value. Fortunately, we have some tips to keep your plant in check.

Less nutrition

Often a plant store or garden center will recommend giving the maximum amount of plant food to your houseplant. Yet a plant often gets a lot of nutrition from rainwater already. Therefore, too much nutrition can cause your plant to grow too fast. Give only the absolute necessary for the species you have, so that your plant will not spend too much energy growing. 


Limit the number of times you repot your plant. Often the roots grow nicely with the new size, allowing the plant to take in even more nutrition. This nutrition is easily converted to energy for new growth, allowing a plant to grow faster if repotted too often. However, some species, such as some orchids, need to be repotted once in a while to ensure the health of the plant. So look carefully at the instructions for your particular species first. 


Often, high temperatures combined with regular watering and high humidity cause the plant to grow faster. When you give the minimum amount of water the plant needs, the plant will grow less quickly. This will therefore keep the plant compact for longer.


Not every year the pot needs to get extremely bigger. Are the roots growing out of the old pot? Then choose a size that is not too much bigger for the plant.


An important factor besides water that contributes to a lot of growth is light. Move your plant slightly further into the shade to ensure that the plant continues to grow well. 

Growth Inhibitors

There are growth inhibitors for houseplants. However, this is often harmful to many species and thus only a last resort. There are only a limited number of plants where this could be used. So read up well before you start this. 

Pruning and tearing

There are plants you can prune to limit growth, such as many Philodendrons, Monsteras and Syngoniums. These plants can be easily pruned where the damage soon becomes unnoticeable because of the plant's exuberant growth. Other plants such as Cymbidiums or Neofinetias are better off being carefully torn to make them smaller. 

Choice is vast

Plant choice also matters. By properly preparing for what kind of plant you purchase, you can ensure that you only take in compact-perennial varieties. This will limit concerns that your plant will grow too big later and prevent you from getting too much work maintaining your green friends.

With these simple tips you can rest assured of a plant that you can easily keep smaller. In this way you will ensure that your plants remain beautiful and do not proliferate. 
