Waarom kamerplanten floreren met regenwater: Een diepgaande blik op het belang van de juiste hydratatie

Why houseplants flourish with rainwater: An in-depth look at the importance of proper hydration

Houseplants not only add a touch of nature to our living spaces, but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment. To ensure your green compan...
Cattleya aclandiae

Cattleya aclandiae: De orchidee die mijn bedrijf deed floreren!

Bij mij (Rik Claessen) begon het allemaal met deze orchidee: de Cattleya aclandiae. Een prachtige orchidee, die ervoor zorgde dat ik nu elke dag ma...
Monstera dubia XL grote gaten

Climbing Plants: How Monstera dubia develops large leaves for optimal light

Climbing plants such as Monsteras and Philodendrons have the unique ability to use their environment for optimal growth and development. They grab ...
Platyceriums: Prachtige Elandgewei- en Hertshoornvarens!

Platyceriums: Beautiful Mooseweed and Staghorn Ferns!

Did you know that Platyceriums (also called Moose Antlers or Staghorn Ferns) are epiphytic ferns and they often grow on trees and rocks in tropical...
De meest zeldzame kleuren bloemen van orchideeën

The most rare colors of flowers of orchids

Orchids occur in a wide range of colors and the rarity of a certain color can depend on the species or cultivar. However, some orchid colors are ge...

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