Effect van tropische planten in jouw studiekamer

The new school year is almost upon us. That means getting new books, notebooks, pens and other office supplies in order to get ahead next year. But this also means it becomes important to consider what will help you create a good study space. Stress relieving and concentration enhancing accessories can help. Now it has been proven according to several scientific studies that houseplants make a high contribution to optimizing a pleasant study environment. Here are 5 good reasons to brighten up your room with fun tropical houseplants:

1. Air purifying effect

Houseplants contribute to cleaner air by absorbing pollutants such as particulate matter, benzene and formaldehyde from the air and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Clean air can boost your concentration and mood.

2. Reduce stress

The presence of plants has proven effects on stress levels in several studies. Looking at plants, as well as caring for plants, has a positive and stress-reducing effect. 

3. Concentration and productivity

Research has shown that the presence of plants in study rooms and workplaces can lead to better cognitive functioning. Thus, it is conducive to your concentration and to productivity. 

4. Night's rest

Some houseplants with jasmine scents or lavender scents can improve sleep quality. So does scented orchids! A good night's sleep is important when studying and absorbing class material.

5. Imagination and state of mind

Plants can promote imagination and creativity, as well as improve overall mood. It is possible that this indirectly contributes to better performance in studying, as an optimistic attitude facilitates problem solving and memorization.

In short, one or a few houseplants in your study or work space can absolutely help improve study or work through increased concentration, and improved mood and creativity.
