Brassolaeliocattleya (BLC.)
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The BLC. (Brassolaeliocattleya) is known for its beautiful lip and is with small adjustments in the living room to keep. These separate and remarkable orchid crossing Is a feast for the eyes. This orchid is bad popular Among enthusiasts because of his special appearance.

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On this page there are one of the most special, special crossings of tropical orchids and also very popular under greenhouse flower growing and in botanical gardens. The abbreviation of this is BLC. This remarkable orchid is mainly admired for its striking lip (labellum). This is often large and often has a dominant and striking appearance.
The orchids from this intersection have been partially renamed because some Rhyncholaelia were incorrectly called brassavola. That is why these plants have moved to the Rhyncholaeliocattleya intersection. This is the RLC.
In addition, this orchid can get impressive format flowers. There are even variants of which the flowers apparently have become 20 cm in diameter in a flowering. So this is the ideal orchid for someone who likes striking and large flowers.
Care of the brassolaeliocattleya (BLC.)
This plant needs a rest period to bloom again, but the care is not too complicated. For the real beginner, for example, we recommend a paphiopedilum or phalaenopsis, but this orchid can also be good with small adjustments in the living room.
Whatever these plants need is bright indirect sunlight to get enough energy for flowering. This is something to take into account the positioning of this beautiful and striking orchid.