
Import planten

Import plants

1068 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 1068 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 1068 products
Sedirea japonica
Sedirea japonica
Sale priceFrom €23,95
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Vanda sanderianaVanda sanderiana
Vanda sanderiana
Sale price€42,95
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Sophronitis pygmaeaSophronitis pygmaea
Sophronitis pygmaea
Sale priceFrom €43,95
Sophronitis brevipenduculata
Sophronitis brevipenduculata
Sale priceFrom €23,95
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Dendrobium farmeri "Pink"Dendrobium farmeri "Pink"
Dendrobium farmeri "Pink"
Sale priceFrom €27,95
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Paphiopedilum purpuratumPaphiopedilum purpuratum
Paphiopedilum purpuratum
Sale priceFrom €29,95
Hoya kerrii "Reverse Variegata"
Hoya kerrii "Reverse Variegata"
Sale price€36,95
Vanda Wuttipanara ManoonyaVanda Wuttipanara Manoonya
Vanda Wuttipanara Manoonya
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Aerangis fastuosaAerangis fastuosa
Aerangis fastuosa
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Encyclia mariae x citrina
Encyclia mariae x citrina
Sale price€19,95
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Rhynchostylis gigantea "Peach"Rhynchostylis gigantea "Peach"
Rhynchostylis gigantea "Peach"
Sale priceFrom €39,95
Dendrobium unicumDendrobium unicum
Dendrobium unicum
Sale price€21,95
Dendrobium canaliculatumDendrobium canaliculatum
Dendrobium canaliculatum
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Phalaenopsis bellina var. coeruleaPhalaenopsis bellina var. coerulea
Phalaenopsis bellina var. coerulea
Sale priceFrom €39,95
Paphiopedilum sanderianumPaphiopedilum sanderianum
Paphiopedilum sanderianum
Sale price€99,95
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Cattleya percivalianaCattleya percivaliana
Cattleya percivaliana
Sale price€23,95
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Caulocattleya Chantilly Lace Twinkel
Caulocattleya Chantilly Lace Twinkel
Sale priceFrom €27,95
Dendrobium densiflorum
Dendrobium densiflorum
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Bulbophyllum polliculosumBulbophyllum polliculosum
Bulbophyllum polliculosum
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Paphiopedilum Pinocchio 4NPaphiopedilum Pinocchio 4N
Paphiopedilum Pinocchio 4N
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Cymbidium Ruby Sarah "Gemstone"
Cymbidium Ruby Sarah "Gemstone"
Sale priceFrom €36,95
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Dendrobium hekouense (presale march 2025)Dendrobium hekouense (presale march 2025)

Recent bekeken

The plants on this page are all special. She
Have all been carefully selected with our suppliers and growers. Some
We already have species in stock and other plants are reliable by our reliable
Growers with the highest quality grown.

Many special types of import plants are very rare,
Making this a very interesting page to keep an eye on.
A lot of separate tropical house plants and orchids appear here.

Of the plants that are imported at a nursery in
For example, Asia or Europe, there are sometimes small import spots on
The plant. Fortunately this is normal and it just grows with good care

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