
Mini orchideeën

Mini orchids

159 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 159 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 159 products
Dracula vampira (aaporchidee)
Dracula vampira (aaporchidee)
Sale priceFrom €43,95
Sophronitis coccinea x wittigiana
Sophronitis coccinea x wittigiana
Sale priceFrom €29,95
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Neofinetia falcata
Neofinetia falcata
Sale price€39,95
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Sophronitis wittigiana syn. rosea
Sophronitis wittigiana syn. rosea
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Sophronitis cernuaSophronitis cernua
Sophronitis cernua
Sale price€32,95
Bulbophyllum frostiiBulbophyllum frostii
Bulbophyllum frostii
Sale price€21,95
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Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris
Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris
Sale priceFrom €24,95
Schoenorchis scolopendriaSchoenorchis scolopendria
Schoenorchis scolopendria
Sale price€21,95
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Aerangis calanthaAerangis calantha
Aerangis calantha
Sale price€21,95
Bulbophyllum moniliformeBulbophyllum moniliforme
Bulbophyllum moniliforme
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Phalaenopsis violacea "Malaysia"Phalaenopsis violacea "Malaysia"
Aerangis citrataAerangis citrata
Aerangis citrata
Sale price€32,95
Dendrobium cyanocentrum purple flower orchid
Dendrobium cyanocentrum
Sale price€89,95
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Dendrobium hekouense "Big Plant"Dendrobium hekouense "Big Plant"
Dendrobium hekouense "Big Plant"
Sale priceFrom €43,95
Trias nummularia
Trias nummularia
Sale priceFrom €23,95
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Bulbophyllum barbigerumBulbophyllum barbigerum
Bulbophyllum barbigerum
Sale priceFrom €21,95
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Phalaenopsis speciosa "Koffee"
Phalaenopsis speciosa "Koffee"
Sale price€59,95
Angraecum distichum
Angraecum distichum
Sale price€21,95
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Bulbophyllum lemniscatoides
Bulbophyllum lemniscatoides
Sale priceFrom €21,95
Bulbophyllum farreri "Orange/Yellow"
Bulbophyllum farreri "Orange/Yellow"
Sale priceFrom €23,95
Aerangis somalensis
Aerangis somalensis
Sale priceFrom €32,95
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Phal. (Sogo Kaiulani x bellina) x Ld's Bear QueenPhal. (Sogo Kaiulani x bellina) x Ld's Bear Queen

Recent bekeken

What are miniature orchids?

Did you know that there are not only large orchids, but also miniature orchids? These orchids are often suitable to keep in a terrarium or to bind. Various species have very special flowers, which are sometimes scented. They are often already able to bloom in very small size.

Popular genera and species miniature orchids

The most famous small orchid smells include Schoenorchis, Dracula, Aerangis, Lepanthes, Masdevallia, Pleurothallis, Sophronitis and Pleione. These orchids all have a small size, but they are all very special. In addition, there are also miniature orchids, of which there are also larger species, such as the Angraecum, Phalaenopsis, Bulbophyllum and the Dendrobium. One of the most coveted species of the miniature orchids is the Dendrophylax Lindenii due to the spooky appearance of the flowers.

Special characteristics

Many miniature orchids are rare and have a separate appearance. For example, the Masdevallia has various unique flower shapes and colors, which sometimes look like a bird of paradise or an alien. In addition, the flowers of the dracula orchid look like a monkey's face and the Dracula Vampira even has one of the black flowers in nature!

Scented miniature orchids

In addition to the special colors and shapes of the flowers, some miniature orchids are very appreciated by the wonderfully sweet scent that they spread. For example, the Schoenorchis Fragrans is a popular species that many collector of small orchids have or wants to have this unique feature in his or her range. With the tiny flowers, a wonderfully sweet scent comes up that can fill a small space with delicious natural perfume.

Novelty Phalaenopsis

The Phalaenopsis also has various species with a smaller size such as the Phalaenopsis Novelty Orchids. These are rare hybrids of the butterfly orchid, which are unique because of their rarity and the variety of colors.

Application of miniature orchids

Miniature orchids are compact and are therefore often a sought -after option for people looking for a filling for a terrarium or paludarium or as a decoration in a small greenhouse. There are also many people who place small orchids as decoration in a small ecosystem. For example, tailor -made care can also be given, since a lot of miniature orchids are epiphyten that require a higher humidity and a warmer temperature with sufficient air movement. Nevertheless, we always recommend that you specifically look up for the species what the guidelines are for good care.

Where can you buy miniature orchids?

Miniature orchids are becoming increasingly accessible. Not only botanical species, but also cultivated crossings are constantly supplemented in our extensive range with special, popular and rare miniature orchids. Moreover, these plants can be sent to all EU countries in Europe via our webshop. Do you want to know more about sending miniature orchids or how we have been working since 2005 to share our passion with orchid lovers? Then look in the FAQ or contact our customer service.

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