
Cattleya pink fragrant

Fragrant orchids

216 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 216 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 216 products
Phalaenopsis bellina "Blue"
Phalaenopsis bellina "Blue"
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Cattleya dowiana var. aureaCattleya dowiana var. aurea
Cattleya dowiana var. aurea
Sale price€32,95
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Vanda insignisVanda insignis
Vanda insignis
Sale priceFrom €32,95
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Schoenorchis seidenfadeniiSchoenorchis seidenfadenii
Schoenorchis seidenfadenii
Sale priceFrom €21,95
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Vanda tessellataVanda tessellata
Vanda tessellata
Sale priceFrom €36,95
Maxillaria tenuifolia
Maxillaria tenuifolia
Sale priceFrom €19,95
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Angraecum magdalenae
Angraecum magdalenae
Sale price€29,95
Paraphalaenopsis labukensisParaphalaenopsis labukensis
Paraphalaenopsis labukensis
Sale priceFrom €24,95
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Save €12,00
Brassavola cucullataBrassavola cucullata
Brassavola cucullata
Sale priceFrom €34,95 Regular price€46,95
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Vanda lombokensisVanda lombokensis
Vanda lombokensis
Sale priceFrom €29,95
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Neofinetia falcata
Neofinetia falcata
Sale price€39,95
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Cattleya aclandiae "4N Type" "Big"Cattleya aclandiae "4N Type" "Big"
Blc. Chia Lin "New City"
Blc. Chia Lin "New City"
Sale priceFrom €39,95
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Phalaenopsis violacea "Malaysia"Phalaenopsis violacea "Malaysia"
Phalaenopsis violacea var. coerulea
Phalaenopsis violacea var. coerulea
Sale priceFrom €36,95
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Aerangis citrataAerangis citrata
Aerangis citrata
Sale price€32,95
Sedirea japonica "Big"
Sedirea japonica "Big"
Sale priceFrom €39,95
Rhynchostylis gigantea albaRhynchostylis gigantea alba
Rhynchostylis gigantea alba
Sale priceFrom €32,95
Cattleya aclandiae "Special Selection 1"
Rhrds. Bangkok Sunset "Fragrance"
Rhrds. Bangkok Sunset "Fragrance"
Sale priceFrom €36,95
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Scented orchid in your house

In addition to an addition, house plants can be for your interior and the "Feng Shui", also ensure a pleasant scent in the room! Here we offer various special and rare scented house plants and orchids.

Self -taste

NB! How pleasant an orchid smells is subjective. Some orchids give off a strong but less pleasant odor. Yet they can be popular or very sought after, because they get very special, beautiful and rare flowers, for example. But most orchids that are purchased because of the scent have a scent reminiscent of honey, herbs, citrus or all kinds of sweet scents.

Types of orchids with a scent

Genders of Orchids who often have a scented flower are, for example, the Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Brassavola, Oncidium, Miltoniopsis and the Dendrobium. Not only botanical orchids can have a scent, but they can also be specifically grown for a special scent.

Popular scented orchids

Orchids that are very coveted by the appearance of the flowers in combination with the attractive scent include the Oncidium Sharry Baby, Dendrobium Nobile and Phalaenopsis Bellina.

Black and blue scented orchids

Other species with a unique black flower that releases a scent are the Fredclarkeara after Dark and the Dracula Vampira. Orchids with the rare blue color flower that are scented are the Vanda Coerulea, Cattleya Walkeriana var. Coerulea and for example the Phalaenopsis Violacea var Coerulea.

The usefulness of scented flowers


The smell of the flower can contribute to luring pollinators in nature. For example, the plant can have an attractive scent for bees, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, birds or even bats. It is a lure to get these animals to the plant and to help pollinate. Some orchids even imitate pheromones of insects to lure them to the flower.

Specific pollinators

Some orchids focus on 1 single species. For example, the Angraecum Sesquipedale is a species from Madagascar that owes its reproduction to the Xanthopan Morganii, a butterfly with a very long tongue. This butterfly played an important role in Charles' evolutionary theory Darwin.

Reproductive insulation

By producing unique scents, orchids can stimulate reproductive insulation. This contributes to reducing cross -pollination between different species. The pollen of the specific orchid ends up earlier with the same species, which ensures that the integrity of the species is retained.

Intensity per part of the day

Moreover, orchids can also be more intense in terms of scent at certain times. This has to do with the target group of the Orchid. Some pollinators are active in the evening or at night earlier or during the day. The scent can therefore be more present on a particular of the day than another time. Are you not at home during the day? Then it might be more fun to choose an orchid that spreads a stronger scent in the evening.

Other scented house plants

Most lovers of scented orchids also love Hoya's, because the washing flowers of these plants often also spread a pleasant odor in the room.

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