Het meest unieke cadeau voor Valentijn

The most unique gift for Valentine's Day

This year you are looking for something that really suits your other half. Something your love can enjoy for a long time and something special and ...
Anonieme hacker en oplichter spoof website achter computer

Caution! Counterfeit website online from orchid shop

We have discovered that a counterfeit website has come online. This one does not belong to us. There are unrealistically high discounts listed on t...
Black Friday 2024

Black Friday 2024

At Claessen Orchids and Plants you can not only find the most special and exclusive houseplants and orchids. With Black Friday you can even grab su...
Sneak Peak: 2024 Black Friday Uitverkoop!

Sneak Peak: 2024 Black Friday Sale!

For and by hobbyists and collectors of unique botanical plants and orchids. Our most exclusive plants will be on sale with our Black Friday promoti...
Roze Cymbidium orchidee met veel bloemen

Discount October 2024: Winter flowering Cymbidium

The flowering period of the Cymbidium orchid has arrived again. And especially for this reason we have a nice discount promotion for this particula...
Terugblik: De rondleidingen in de orchideeënkwekerij Claessen in Limburg

Retrospective: The tours of the orchid nursery Claessen in Limburg

Our orchid nursery has been a household name in the southern Netherlands since 2005. Before we started focusing primarily on the international mark...
Klantenservice tijdelijk niet aanwezig: Alles wat jij moet weten!

Customer service temporarily down: Everything you need to know!

Dear Customer, As you may have already read in the mail, our customer service is temporarily almost completely absent between June 14 and June 30. ...
Groothandelsprijzen voor zeldzame kamerplanten en orchideeën

Wholesale prices for rare houseplants and orchids

Since February this year, as a wholesaler, it is again possible to order plants online from us. This is arranged differently nowadays than before, ...
Plantique webshop sluit haar deuren voor altijd?! Alles wat jij moet weten!

Plantique webshop closes its doors forever! Everything you need to know!

You are probably wondering why you are redirected to our website instead of Plantique when you search on Google right now. This is because purchase...
Botanika Hamm April 2024: De zeldzaamste tropische planten en orchideeën

Botanika Hamm April 2024: The rarest tropical plants and orchids

In Europe, Botanika is the plant event of Europe. Here the biggest names among growers come together to show their finest specimens. They most want...
Groothandelsprijzen zijn weer actief op onze vernieuwde webshop!

Wholesale prices are active again on our revamped webshop!

Dear business hobbyists and entrepreneurs, From now on, you as an entrepreneur within the EU can also purchase special plants and orchids from us a...
Valentijnsactie 2024: Philodendrons en Hoya's

Valentine's Day Action 2024: Philodendrons and Hoyas

Feb. 14 is almost upon us again. The end of winter is in sight and we can usher in Valentine's Day just before Easter. The day when you show someon...